Salts and peppers 

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Showing 13 - 15 of 15 items
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    14,55 € Available
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    Timut pepper from Nepal, also called "grapefruit pepper", is a false pepper which has not been treated or flavoured. It is quite similar to Szechuan pepper, but smaller and darker Timut pepper has a unique perfume, a lemony scent of citrus with grapefruit and cherry notes. Applications : goes perfectly well with white meat, fish, scallops.and foie...

    14,55 €
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    6,60 € In Stock
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    Pepper comes from several species of a vinous plant, the spice being the fruit, called peppercorns. Black pepper is the dried, unripe berry. Black pepper is the most popular in cuisine but also the most pungent and fiery of all peppers. Applications: in all your savoury dishes (soups, meats, vegetables, dressings, sauces,...). It can be surprising...

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    6,60 €
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    8,60 € Available

    White pepper starts out the same as the black, but are allowed to ripen more fully on the vine. The outer shell is then removed by soaking the berries in water until the shell falls off, or are held under flowing spring water, yielding a whiter, cleaner pepper. Applications : white pepper is used in white sauces rather than black, which would give the...

    8,60 €
Showing 13 - 15 of 15 items